South Korea, the most popular country in Asia these days and
for me the best destination to enjoy.
I would love to go to South Korea because I love their
culture and especially their language, I am fascinated by the way they speak, I
don´t know if it is the accent or the different dialects they have depending on
the área.
South Korea is a highly developed country, with incredible
I got to know the country thanks to the series and the music
they produce. I strated watching K-dramas in 2019, from that instant I fell in
love with everything related to Korean Entertaiment.
In pandemic I was introduced more to Kpop, the dances and
the singing inspires me so much to follow part
of my dreams.
In addition to everything I mentioned, South Korea has incredible
places both for its landscape and infrastructure such as Gyeongbokgung, which is
a beautiful palace with more tan 600 years of history located in Seoul, the
capital of Korea. Another beautiful place is Jeju Island, the largest island in
the country.
I would like to visit the country in the future and maybe
work there. I have Heard that it is a country that pays well, but it is also
expensive in certain aspects, such as rent.
Well this happens in most countries, I hope one day to
fulfill my dream of going to South Korea.
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